About Stef

Having studied to post graduate level at Cardiff University, Stef qualified as a Solicitor in 1997 and in 2010 became a Higher Court Advocate, which enabled her to defend her clients in person at the Crown Court, (wearing a Barrister’s wig). Just prior to this, in 2009 she was made a partner of a busy, city, high street practice.

After 18 years as a Solicitor, 2017 saw Stef decide to leave the law and move to Hamburg, Germany with her young family. Since then she has gone on to undertake intensive training with Dr Bridget Kirsop to qualify as a Master Practitioner Life Coach in Neuro Linguistic Programming, (NLP).

Engaging in NLP on a personal level highlighted that Stef’s highest goal had always been to help people. As a lawyer there were boundaries in place as to the real benefit she could offer her clients. Professional constraints meant that there was only so much she could do to really help, and she knew that if she could change the way her clients felt about themselves and their situations, their lives would improve. Stef understood her clients’ legal situations were often symptomatic of much deeper and sometimes long-term personal issues.

Now Stef helps people overcome their difficulties using NLP. Whether you find yourself dealing with a legal case or not, Stef will help you.

Stef has relocated to the UK where she conducts 1:1 coaching sessions both at her coaching space in Monmouth and online.



"Stef is amazing. She helped my daughter focus on her goals & remove her limiting beliefs during her degree and she is now headed for a first! I've recommended Stef to several friends as has my daughter, all of whom are delighted with what a difference Stef's help has made to their lives! Go for it pick up the phone - you'll be so happy you did!! Thank you stef!!"



"Am so grateful for what you did.  I now imagine this wall from that last session with everything in it that I need."

S, (Solicitor)


"I recently undertook a 2 day breakthrough coaching session with Stef and highly recommend Stef and NLP coaching. The whole experience was extremely thought provoking with such a positive effect on my thought processes and subsequent actions.

I wanted Stef to help me take the action I needed to launch a new part of my business. There was something holding me back. After the session, I feel more focused, energised, confident and clearer in what I need to do to make my new business a success."

Stef’s calm, probing manner really found out the key information she needed to help me make those changes.

It has given me the drive to move forward and those old challenges holding me back have now gone.

Our 2 day session has already led to a profound change in all my  business activities. Thank you Stef for a wonderful experience. I cannot recommend you highly enough!!



"Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Never thought I would talk openly about that with anyone. xx"



“Having gone through a tough time personally and feeling emotionally exhausted from the pressure of work, I reached out to Stef for help. Talking to her, learning about NLP, hypnosis and time line therapy work really helped me and gave me the tools to deal with anxiety and stress surrounding both my professional and home life. Having worked with Stef, she has helped me no end both personally and with my legal case. I have found myself able to deal so much better with situations that I used to struggle with and my levels of anxiety have dramatically decreased. Stef has gone above and beyond her call of duty and has become somewhat of a guru to me! NLP has helped me understand my past issues and I could not have wished for anyone better to help me through this process. I will forever be grateful to Stef for her help and guidance especially for someone like me who finds it difficult to talk about things. Thank you for everything you have done.”



"I was really hesitant about how chatting to a life coach would help me given I was at such a low and dark moment in my life. But talking to Stef is one of the best decisions I have ever made. She really opened my eyes and made me address my problems head on, while also showing that life isn’t all doom and gloom. She has helped me feel in control of my life choices going forward, and I have been able to address problems and issues head on.  I am certainly heading in the right direction. Stef has gone above and beyond and I can’t recommend her more highly to people unsure whether this is the right path for them."



“I love talking to you. You just get me. I am feeling like a different person today.”

A, (Barrister)
